Magical Objects Series - Part One: Norse Mythology
WritingJoyMagical Objects, Norse mythology, Gungnir, Draupnir, Mjolnnir, Gullinbursti, Jarngreipr, Megingjord, Skidbladnir, Sword of Freyr, Gjallarhorn, Gleipnir, Odin, Thor, Loki, Fenrir, Sons of Ivaldi, Brokkr, Eitri, Heimdall, Ragnarok, Weekly III, Joy V Spicer, Popular
10 Creatures From Greek and Norse Mythology
WritingJoyMythical creatures, Greek mythology, Norse mythology, Echidna, Typhon, Cerberus, Manticore, Fenrir, Jormundgandr, Midgard serpent, Weekly II