Fox Family Frolicking in the Garden

Vixen in our back garden

This wasn’t my planned post for this week, but we were so lucky to be in the right place at the right time over the weekend.

Saturday evening, we were in the dining room, which overlooks our back garden and Liam caught sight of a couple of foxes, soon joined by others.

A vixen and her 3 cubs!

It looked as if she’d caught a little something for them to eat, but we couldn’t make out what it was.

I managed to get some photos of them before quickly changing to filming them.

Vixen and 2 of her 3 pups

The vixen with one of her pups

And, the family together

The quality isn’t great as I took it standing at the window, and I didn’t want to move the curtain aside too much in case I spooked them.

Over the years, we’ve had foxes in our garden, either just passing through or finding a comfy spot and sleeping.

But this was extra special.

Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.


We’ve seen this little family a couple of times since I took that video.

There are only 2 little pups now, we don’t know what’s happened to the third.

UPDATE 11 July: About a week ago, we were lucky enough to see the pups back in our garden around 21:00, and there were all three! The vixen must have been off hunting as we caught a glimpse of her in the neighbour’s garden.

We spent about 20 minutes just watching 2 of them play while the 3rd lay quietly under one of the bushes.

They had a tennis ball with them - don’t know where there’d found that! - and were chasing it around, chasing each other, tumbling about, play fighting…

It was beyond delightful!