Nature - Beautiful and Full of Surprises

Cloudless, blue sky

The past couple of weeks, we’ve had – by the UK’s standards – quite a few scorching, hot days.

Despite the heat, I still went with Liam to the field where ‘his’ horse is. It was tiring, just being out, and we got rather hot and sweaty. But the good part – gorgeous blue sky and the almost continuous chirping of birds, with butterflies flitting about, and grasshoppers and crickets in the grass.

Tree near the field

Tree near the field

The weather forecasters were predicting thunderstorms from the beginning of the week, which wasn’t a surprise after the high weekend temperatures.

Wednesday evening, it felt as if a change was in the air. Looked out the bedroom window, which faces north, and was met with this amazing sight; never seen anything like it before…

Sun and cloud formation
Sun highlighting cloud formation
Setting sun lighting up clouds
Setting sun on clouds

We eventually got a brief thunderstorm Thursday afternoon, and yesterday’s temperatures were much more comfortable.

Today, it’s been drizzling constantly since the early hours…