Coronavirus and Rubbish Timing
(Own image of budding flower)
No time is a ‘good’ time for what we’re going through right now, every one of us, no matter where we are in the world.
The ‘rubbish timing’ part of the title refers to the fact that I was, literally, on the verge of starting my self-employed life. I’d done my research and sorted out relevant paperwork including insurance and had at least one client lined up.
The day I was going to take the posters advertising my service to local libraries and doctors’ surgeries, was the day the decision was made to socially distance ourselves from the older generation – my client base.
The posters have since been put to one side and I feel like I’m in limbo, unable to start earning an income. And I’m one of those who won’t get any financial help because I haven’t been trading for, at least, one year. Which is fair enough, really.
Even then, I am one of the lucky ones; I still have some savings, though obviously that won’t last forever. Gordon’s in the gardening industry and, so far, he’s still working while keeping up with the social distancing. Liam works with horses so his job is considered ‘essential’, but he’ll probably be stopping soon as his boss is turning out as many of his horses as he can.
The trick for me is to stay on an even keel – as trite as it sounds – to stay hopeful and keep joy in my heart. Because I can fall into despair so very easily. Because fear can overwhelm me if I let my guard down – I do not want to end up in the dire financial situation I was in last year.
I won’t be blogging as regularly as I have been doing. The one day I’ll most likely continue with is Tuesday, with reviews and, hopefully, original stories.
For now, I’m going to be concentrating more on crafting. It keeps me focussed and it’s relaxing, which is what I want more of. I may blog about some of my projects.
Whatever is happening in your neck of the woods, whatever is happening with you personally, please take good care and stay safe.
(Own image of flowers - for the life of me, I cannot remember what they’re called!)