A Walk in Town

Stream that runs through the town gardens

Stream that runs through the town gardens

I had a couple of chores to do in town this morning. The plan was to just zip in and out as it was gloomy, the wind was as strong as ever and it was spitting with rain.

Then I decided to detour slightly to walk through the gardens instead of skirting the traffic. I’m glad I did as I ended up noticing trees I’d never really noticed before.

The way these branches have twisted themselves around the railing reminds me of something out of a fairy tale.

Branches twisted around railing
(closer shot of the branches around the railing)

(closer shot of the branches around the railing)

I like the shape of this tree. The town hall is in the background

I like the shape of this tree. The town hall is in the background

A little further along… unexpected sight of pretty pink flowers and a bush absolutely full of white roses!

Pretty pink flowers.
White rose bush
White rose
Chaotic yet contained

Chaotic yet contained

Barren branches overhead

Barren branches overhead

I don’t know what it is about trees, but I find them mesmerising and could spend hours just looking at them, nature’s works of art.
