Finally!! 'The Spellbound Spindle' is Live

‘The Spellbound Spindle’ cover

The Spellbound Spindle’ has actually been up for sale for about a week, but I had to chase Amazon to link the paperbook and ebook on the same page.

I’m the first to put my hand up and say, I’m rubbish at marketing. I’ve tried various ways to start and build up an email list and newsletter but, for whatever reason, it hasn’t worked. That used to really bother me, until I read this fantastic post by Anne R Allen on why she believes having a blog is better than a newsletter while also listing ways an author newsletter might be better than a blog. That was a load off my mind, to know that I wasn’t alone in not liking newsletters. To be honest, I don’t like receiving them and I don’t like sending them.

Anyway, I’m under no illusion that, from a marketing point of view, I’m way behind the starting line. Is it wrong to say I’m not that bothered? Sacrilege, I’m sure, but honestly, this doesn’t come naturally to me, which means it doesn’t take much for me to step away from it. Add to that, there’s stuff going on in my life that I totally was not unexpecting. Talk about being knocked sideways. And, the time has come for me to get a job. Things are looking hopeful on that front, but I won’t say anything else until it’s a done deal.

So, I guess my ‘marketing’, for want of a better word, will be the mentions on Twitter, which include snippets from the story, and what I post here, mainly the research I did for the story. And we’ll see what happens.

If you decide to get the book and read it, I will be most honoured. And I will be eternally grateful if you would take the time to write an honest review, even if its 1-star… so long as it’s with constructive criticism ;)

You can find digital versions on Nook, Kobo, iTunes and A&R Bookworld.

If you do buy it, thank you very much. And thanks also for taking the time to visit.

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