Snow, Day 2

Late morning, Liam went for a walk to see what was occurring in the world...

Up the road from us, which leads to the golf course and lake, where we usually go for walks

Up the road from us, which leads to the golf course and lake, where we usually go for walks

Part of the golf course, perfect for sledding!

Part of the golf course, perfect for sledding!

Heading down towards the lake

Heading down towards the lake

The partially frozen lake!

The partially frozen lake!

Wonder what their thoughts on the matter were?

Wonder what their thoughts on the matter were?

It was weird stepping out on, what I thought was snow only to find it was ice! My poor car was under a frozen layer of ice and snow; cracked the top to find soft snow underneath. I've never experienced anything like it...

A serving of ice!

A serving of ice!
